Thoughts, Tips, Tricks & Tidbits

Thanks to COVID-19 I imagine many of us will look back and clearly remember this time we were all stuck in lockdown/isolation/quarantine, and practicing things like social distancing. At times...
Thanks to COVID-19 I imagine many of us will look back and clearly remember this time we were all stuck in lockdown/isolation/quarantine, and practicing things like social distancing. At times...

A love of Ampersands
At the end of the 36 Days of Type an ampersand challenge was added. I love ampersands. If you didn’t know, the origin of the ampersand comes from the Latin...
A love of Ampersands
At the end of the 36 Days of Type an ampersand challenge was added. I love ampersands. If you didn’t know, the origin of the ampersand comes from the Latin...

Creating during COVID-19
Well, how much has the world changed since last month?As of March 26th 2020 New Zealand is at a COVID-19 Level 4 alert and the whole country is on lockdown....
Creating during COVID-19
Well, how much has the world changed since last month?As of March 26th 2020 New Zealand is at a COVID-19 Level 4 alert and the whole country is on lockdown....

36 Days of Type
This year I decided to attempt 36 Days of Type for the first time.If you haven’t come across it before, 36 Days of Type is an online challenge of typography...
36 Days of Type
This year I decided to attempt 36 Days of Type for the first time.If you haven’t come across it before, 36 Days of Type is an online challenge of typography...

Today I will Create
As part of her ‘Abstract Painting: Step Into Your Own Creative Power’ course, Jen Sievers had a bunch of screensavers for mobile and desktop with her beautiful art and a...
Today I will Create
As part of her ‘Abstract Painting: Step Into Your Own Creative Power’ course, Jen Sievers had a bunch of screensavers for mobile and desktop with her beautiful art and a...

Trying Something New
Last year I signed up to two short online workshop courses by two artists whose abstract work I have been admiring for some time – Jen Sievers and Laura Horn.I...
Trying Something New
Last year I signed up to two short online workshop courses by two artists whose abstract work I have been admiring for some time – Jen Sievers and Laura Horn.I...

Jen Sievers Mindful Creativity Challenge
In late 2019 I had a go at Jen Siever’s free Mindful Creativity Challenge, which is an intro to her longer course ‘Abstract Painting: Step Into Your Own Creative Power’....
Jen Sievers Mindful Creativity Challenge
In late 2019 I had a go at Jen Siever’s free Mindful Creativity Challenge, which is an intro to her longer course ‘Abstract Painting: Step Into Your Own Creative Power’....

My Favourite Podcasts
A couple of parent friends recommended podcasts as a way to fill the silence during the early days of parenting. I had never listened to Podcasts before, but I was...
My Favourite Podcasts
A couple of parent friends recommended podcasts as a way to fill the silence during the early days of parenting. I had never listened to Podcasts before, but I was...

Do you love calligraphy and hand lettering but are yet to learn some sweet skills? I have the best freebie for you!! I have put together a FREE pack of...
Do you love calligraphy and hand lettering but are yet to learn some sweet skills? I have the best freebie for you!! I have put together a FREE pack of...

Create Your Own Calligraphy Christmas Paper
It’s that time of year where the it starts to feel like summer (well in New Zealand at least!), the stores start playing Christmas carols, and everyone starts feeling a...
Create Your Own Calligraphy Christmas Paper
It’s that time of year where the it starts to feel like summer (well in New Zealand at least!), the stores start playing Christmas carols, and everyone starts feeling a...

Present Tense : Wāhine Toi Aotearoa
To record the current landscape of women in design and give visibility to the unsung diversity of Aotearoa design, Designers Speak Up made an open call early this year to all designers,...
Present Tense : Wāhine Toi Aotearoa
To record the current landscape of women in design and give visibility to the unsung diversity of Aotearoa design, Designers Speak Up made an open call early this year to all designers,...