One of the best things about moving was being able to finally unpack my studio boxes and furniture, some of which had been packed away since I moved my studio home before Arlo was born. That was probably about 20 months ago!!
I found a bunch of paper I forgot that I had, and was able to access a whole selection of miscellaneous blank canvases that had been packed away. From skateboards to large letterforms, I have long been collecting pieces that I knew I wanted to paint one day, and now feels like the perfect time.

Since the beginning of 2020 I have been experimenting with abstract art. My experiments have been bringing me so much joy and people have been responding so positively to them.
I spent a fair bit of time last year questioning who I was as a person, artist, designer. I questioned what sort of work I wanted to be doing. If I was going to spend more time away from Arlo working then it had to be for something worthwhile. I have experimented and changed and I think a style I really love is starting to come out.
It is a bit different to my previous work, it doesn’t have as much of a focus on calligraphy and hand lettering. Though I have some fantastic letterform cutouts that are going to look so beautiful when I am finished painting them.

Allowing myself to experiment and to trust the process rather than focus on the end result has been eye opening for me. It has taught me that it is ok to pivot and change, and it ok to grow and evolve.
I have long had an interest in filling letterforms with pattern and texture, and I love that this new style that I am playing with has the potential to lend itself to that. I unpacked some old artworks from 2015 and I instantly could see so much potential to recreate them. SO I took a brush and some white paint and just like that I have a whole lot of blank canvases to start adding colour too!

These letterforms are expanding on my 36 Days of Type series, making them larger and more 3-Dimensional. I think once finished these letterforms will look amazing on the walls of kids bedrooms, or as a feature in your house. There will be a range of other pieces that aren’t letterforms also, some found objects, and some new canvases.

This collection is going to be beautiful, full of colour and joy. I can’t wait to share it with you. Make sure you follow me on Instagram as I post a lot of behind the scenes photos and videos in my stories.
K xx