2020 has been so crazy for me so far. Literally since the day it started things have not been going particularly well. Thoughts on that alone is probably best left for another day.
But then along came COVID-19, some random coronavirus that started in China and has spread like wildfire across the globe. All of a sudden we were talking about social distancing, washing our hands like crazy, trying not to breathe at the supermarket and living in a ‘bubble’.
New Zealand has just come out of a complete Level 4 lockdown where we could only leave our ‘bubble’ for exercise or to get groceries. The 5 week lockdown has pretty much rid our tiny country of this crazy virus which is awesome. Our Government definitely did the right thing. I am so thankful for Jacinda and to be from a country like New Zealand and not somewhere like the USA.
But it doesn’t negate the fact that people have lost their jobs, people are struggling to keep their companies alive, people are now under huge financial pressure. The social and mental impact of this virus on our country will be huge. I am sure we will all bounce back in due course but right now, if I am honest, it just feels like its all been a little bit shit. Anyone else agree?
For 5 weeks our family has basically been living on top of each other in our tiny flat. Arlo cut several teeth (talk about timing!!) and mastered walking. The first week of lockdown was great, but then I got sick with some other sort of virus, and the following 4 weeks were a huge struggle for me.
I have had little time or energy for any creative free play and experimentation. But when I did it really relaxed me. As well as experimenting with some abstract compositions I created a couple of bubble inspired artworks. I feel these circles represent our bubbles and all the elements within represent the complexities contained within those bubbles. There has been so much going on for me personally, and I feel these represent that, but at the same time they are also beautiful which is a reminder that you can always find beauty amongst the chaos.
Finally this week we have been able to expand our bubble and merge with my parents bubble so they can help look after Arlo (thank goodness for local grandparents!).
We are starting to pack up our house and my studio so we can finally move into our new home which we bought at the end of February. I will have my own dedicated studio space for the first time since Arlo was born. I am hoping when we move it will be a bit of a fresh start for 2020 - who says we can’t restart the year in May?
Hopefully soon we will all be out of our bubbles and can hug, and meet up for brunch or dinner, and talk face to face.
Until then, keep safe. And let me know what you are doing to keep sane during this time, I would love to hear from you.
K x